In today's world, there's so much information (and misinformation) about food that it's easy to feel overwhelmed. Concerns about toxins, hormones, carbs, and fats are everywhere ...more
February 12, 2025•5 min read
You have to suck at something before you can be successful at it. Therefore, sucking becomes a prerequisite for success. ...more
February 10, 2025•2 min read
Something that came to me while I was in the hospital recovering from my double quad tear has been on my mind since those days. Laying in bed, there was a lot of reflection, ...more
February 07, 2025•4 min read
How many times have you caught yourself saying, “I wish I had their body,” or “I wish I had their strength”? At first glance, these phrases might seem harmless, but they reveal a mindset that holds y... ...more
February 05, 2025•3 min read
We've all had those moments during our dieting phase (especially me) where the temptation to give our diet the flick and order Uber eats is stronger than the discomfort of sitting with the feeling of ... ...more
Mindset ,Nutrition
February 03, 2025•2 min read
Creatine monohydrate is a popular fitness supplement with strong evidence supporting its benefits. Creatine monohydrate is similar to the creatine naturally found in your body. ...more
January 31, 2025•2 min read