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hero mindset

Becoming a Pro

December 19, 20242 min read

By: Paul Oneid

I personally don't care what you're pursuing, but you should aim to approach your goals like a professional

I came across this quote from James Clear in his book "Atomic Habits," which is one of my all-time favourite books on the subject of behaviour change and creating habits.

"Professionals stick to the schedule; amateurs let life get in the way. Professionals know what is important to them and work toward it with purpose; amateurs get pulled off course by the urgencies of life ... When a habit is truly important to you, you have to be willing to stick to it in any mood. Professionals take action even when the mood isn't right. They might not enjoy it, but they find a way to put the reps in."

This is a mindset that really resonates with me and one that Olivia and I really try to instill in the clients that we work with here at MAP. We refer to our clients as the heroes of their own journey and us coaches as the guide. A hero is a professional - the show up when the chips are down.

There are so many occasions within our day to day lives that give us a choice. In fact, we make 10's of thousands of choices each and every day. Each choice we make is an opportunity - an opportunity to either move towards, or away from the person we want to be. The more of the choices we stack up that move us towards our ideal self... to that hero, the more we will embody the identity of that version of ourselves.

Think of this mindset - the mindset of the professional. The mindset of the hero. The version of you that does things even when the circumstances or the mood aren't perfect.

It's those decisions that will move the needle the most towards your goals. It's the basis for our mantra of Raising the Bar.

You all owe it to yourselves to be the professional in every aspect of your lives. We're here to help if you need us.

Stay Strong,

Paul Oneid, MS. MS. CSCS

Founder and Head Coach

ps. if you need some help becoming the hero of your own story, we're here for you - CLICK HERE to speak with one of our MAP Coaches.

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