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Stop Telling Yourself That "Things Will Slow Down..." - Paul Oneid

February 28, 20253 min read

Stop Telling Yourself That "Things Will Slow Down..."

I saw a quote the other day that read:

“Adulthood is just telling yourself ‘Things will slow down after these next few weeks,’ forever for the rest of your life.”

That hit me in the ass!

I’ve said this to myself, and I hear it from my clients ALL THE TIME because the fact of the matter is that life moves fast, and sometimes things are really, really busy.

And, it’ll never be less busy.

There will never be less to do.

There will never be a time where it slows down… that is, unless you make it slow down.

How do you do that?  Well, I’m glad you asked!

You plan.

Yes, this is the super secret strategy that I charge thousands of dollars to the wealthiest people on earth to teach them… ok, maybe that last part isn’t true, but I do teach proper planning, prioritization and time management every single day with every client and coach that I work with.

If you fail to plan, you’re planning to fail.

Plus, if you’re always waiting for the right time to start, there will never be a right time, and you’ll never start. All that time you spent waiting could have been spent working towards your goals.

Here are my top 5 tips to slow down your life and make the time for the things that are important to you:

  1. Write down your top priorities for each day of the week

  2. Use a calendar app, or an old school notebook 

  3. Book a meeting with yourself each day where you’ll do each of those things you identified as priorities.

  4. Write down all the projects you have on the go and their due dates

  5. Book meetings with yourself each week to chip away at those

What you’ve done here is get crystal clear about the things that are important to you, accommodate them in your day, and outline exactly what needs to be done and when it needs to be done.

What you’ll find is that you have way more time in your day than you thought you did and that having a plan will result in less wasted time and more productivity.

I’m actually an advocate of a healthy dose of biting off more than you can chew.  There is no better way to hold yourself accountable than to be under the gun.  You’ll look at your phone less, watch less TV and at the same time you’ll be more present with your family and loved ones and be able to enjoy your down time because you’ve made sure to plan for the things that need to be done - that means when they’re done, you don’t have to think about them any more.

This strategy works for health and fitness, and it works just the same for personal or business related obligations.

This framework is what I use in my own life every single day.

Things won’t slow down, but they sure can be planned for and when you do that, you can unlock a new level of personal growth you never even imagined.

Need help, reach out - I’ll respond, I promise. 

Paul Oneid, MS. MS. CSCS

Founder and Head Coach

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